Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Good Match

"Who cares of a cold when there's such a man..."

Juring my traditional blog stalking, I came across this quiz.. I have been on a major Jane Austen kick the last little while and have re-rented all the movies. {Why I do not own them is a good question}. I couldn't emagin being anyone else!

You are Marianne Dashwood of Sense & Sensibility! You are impulsive, romantic, impatient, and perhaps a bit too brutally honest. You enjoy romantic poetry and novels, and play the pianoforte beautifully. To boot, your singing voice is captivating. You feel deeply, and love passionately.

I am Marianne Dashwood!

Take quiz here

Monday, February 11, 2008

Kid Free Weekend!

This year for Christmas, one of the ladies that I visit teach gave me a coupon book. In that book their was a coupon for one full weekend of free babysitting. So this weekend I cashed in on that coupon. I droped the kids of at there place friday after school. Then Dave and I set off to see if we could even function without an kids for the whole weekend. Of course we did the going out for dinner thing, and rent a few movies thing. Then on saturday morning our table came, and that was fun setting it up. Then we headed to the mall!!
For the last five years I have wanted to go on the "Worlds largest indoor rollercoaster" I have had a few opportuities but the people that I was supposed to go with, always chicken out (Kenny). So my wonderful husband stepped up to the plate. So this (for any of you who haven't seen it) is my new favorite ride of all time!!!!


Ok so I decided to post some pictures of my terrible table and chairs that have now been retired. It is the only way to make you fully understand how really exciting this new table really is. Now I must worn you the pictures you about to see are really bad and not for the faint of heart... remember, we have been using these to eat. But no need to feel sorry for us any longer.... because we have moved up in the world and all our chairs match!!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Patiently Waiting

So most of you who know us, and have been to our house at all in our 11 years of marrige, know that we have always had a crappy kitchen table. Every table that we have had, we saved from a premature trip to the dump. When we get it, it isn't completely falling apart yet. We have done the deck chair thing for a few years. Right now our dinning room set consists of, three folding chairs, one wooden chair, and two wooden chairs with padding and foam (yes Nicola, you would die), falling out of the cushions. Needless to say we have been long over due for a nice table and chairs. So we finally bought this set three weeks ago and are patiently waiting for them to get here. Hopefully this week!! So although it is not in my kitchen yet, I thought I would share my excitement with you while I wait.......